



Biodigestion is the process of producing electricity by recycling the animal waste – fece, cow dung etc. This process culminates into biogas which is a cheap source of electricity. Biogas is mixture of methane, carbon dioxide and other gases which are released from dumped animal fece. Piles of animal shit are heaped at a landfill. This scat generated from animal excrement releases methane. Methane is captured with the help of biodigestors and subsequently used to generate heat and electricity.
Biodigestion is the source of producing fuel which can easily replace non-renewable fuels like kerosene. Kerosene and other fuels are very costly. Millions of dollars can be saved by countries by using this technique of generating electricity from organic wastes like animal poop. Since time immemorial man has been discarding animal poop as an unhygienic, detestable caca. Because this resource is available in plenty on the planet earth as animal population is considerably large in size, this resource is likely to exist for longer period.
Animal fece needs to be disposed off on time else it may lead to concentration of methane gas in the atmosphere. High methane levels are the cause of adverse changes in climatic conditions. Thus process of biodigestion which involves capturing of methane to generate desired heat levels in electricity generator provides two-way solution to the problem of disposing animal shit. Bio-digestion helps in generating much needed electricity at a very low cost. It also helps human population to get rid of filthy environment caused by heaps of animal poop.
There are a number of poop-to-power conversion methods. Poop generates anaerobic bacteria. Storing these anaerobic bacteria in huge casks ensures generation of a large amount of methane which is belched out by these bacteria. Methane generated by these shit converters is sufficient enough to meet the fuel requirements of buses running in cities.
Fece cell smashers are advanced boidigesters that use cell walls in sludge by heating and smashing it under ultrasound environment. This technique produces double amount of methane than normal biodigester. This methane is sufficient to supply electricity to thousands of city homes. This biodigester is however not popular due to nasty smell emanated by the heap of shit accumulated. The huge amount of accumulated excrement is also a source of danger in the form of sewage leaks.
Biodigesters in rural Costa Rica work on manure created by cow shit and pig poop. Cow shit is more fibrous and requires more water than the pig manure. Manure and water are mixed in equal proportion and then material is sealed in a huge tank preventing escape of bacteria. Sealed tank ensures anaerobic atmosphere which is essential for bacteria to squeeze out maximum methane. Methane gas creates high temperature. Such high temperature is required to run thermo-generator which generates electricity.
Electricity had become a common necessity in the whole world and a lot of dollars are spent every year to meet the growing requirements. This miraculously cheap way of generating electricity is going to be fitting the bill in the long run.

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